Rocío Albert López-Ibor
Rocío Albert López-Ibor is currently the Regional Minister of Economy, Finance and Employment. She has held several positions in the Public Administration in different areas of government related to the economic and educational spheres, including, among others, Vice-counsellor of Educational Policy of the Vice-presidency, Regional Ministry of Education and Universities, Vice-counsellor of Innovation, Industry, Trade and Consumption of the Regional Ministry of Economy, Employment and Finance, Director General of Universities and Research, Director General for the Improvement of Teaching Quality of the Regional Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Secretary General of the Economic and Social Council, Head of Cabinet in the Regional Ministry of Economy and Consumption of the Community of Madrid, Member of the Assembly of Madrid at the beginning of the IX, XII and XIII legislature and trustee of the FAES Foundation.
She has a PhD from the Department of Applied Economics IV of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) and a law degree from the same university; European Master in Law and Economics from the University of Hamburg, an Advanced Program in Law and Economics from Harvard Law School and the Advance Program in Public Administration from ESADE Madrid, among other complementary training.
She is a Professor of Economics and Finance at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid since 1998 (on compulsory leave of absence) and of Principles of Economics at the Colegio Universitario Cardenal Cisneros, co-director of the Master in Economic Analysis of Law and Public Policy at the Centro Universitario EAE, and for 10 years Deputy Director of the Master in Law, Economics and Public Policy that was carried out jointly by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and the Fundación Ortega y Gasset.
Since 2016 she has been Vice-President of the Spanish Association of Economic Analysis of Law.On the other hand, Rocío has been a guest lecturer at various European and American universities (Harvard, Bologna, Bogotá, Córdoba-Argentina).
As part of her research work, she has been principal investigator of the Economic and Employment Observatory of the Madrid City Council and principal investigator of numerous educational, economic and innovation projects for different national and international entities.
She has been a weekly columnist for La Gaceta de los Negocios and Época for 7 years, and writes opinion articles for La Razón. She also participates in the economic talk show De Capital Radio de Economía and Intereconomía TV and Radio.
Rocío Albert has written numerous academics papers on subjects related to Education, Economics and Innovation, Regulation and Public Policy and has published in prestigious international journals. As well, she has specialised in the field of Economic Analysis Of Law and has published a large number of articles on topics such as discrimination analysis in the labour market and economic analysis of bankruptcy regulation, among others. Her latest book published is “La regulación del transporte colaborativo (Aranzadi, 2018)” and her latest article is “New Rules to Secure Fiscal Sustainability in the European Monetary Union” releases in Future European Journal, 2022.