Lord Davies

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adolfo calviño

President of LETTERONE y UK former Minister of State for Trade, Investment and Small Business 

Non–Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors of L1 Holdings and L1 Investment Holdings. Lord Davies is a Partner and the Chairman of Corsair Capital, a private equity firm specialising in financial services.

He has a wide range of interests, including being Chairman of LTA (Lawn Tennis Association), Non-Executive of the governing body of World Rugby, Adviser to Teneo, a US-based corporate advisory firm, and a number of other leading corporations. He was Minister for Trade, Investment, Small Business and Infrastructure from January 2009 until May 2010. Prior to that, he was Chairman and previously CEO, and served on the Board of Standard Chartered for over 12 years. He was awarded a CBE for his services to the financial sector and the community in Hong Kong in June 2002 where he served as a member of the HK Exchange fund for seven years. Lord Davies is also a JP in Hong Kong. Lord Davies is married with two children and is a fluent Welsh speaker.