Juan María Nin
JUAN MARÍA NIN GÉNOVA, lawyer-economist from the University of Deusto and Master in Laws and Political Sciences from the London School of Economics, has first-hand knowledge of the world of business management, finance, energy and international economic policy. He maintains regular collaborations with his University, as a member of the Board of Governors. He also collaborates with ESADE Business School. He is Vice-President of the Círculo de Empresarios.
Former Vice-Chairman and CEO of La Caixa, CEO of Banco Sabadell and Managing Director of Banco Santander. He has also been involved in the energy business as a member of the Board of Directors of Cepsa, Repsol and Gas Natural among other companies.
Today he is a member of the Board of Société Générale de Banque, Chairman of Itínere Infraestructuras, Habitat, Morabanc and ITP Aero, Operating Partner of Corsair Capital, advisor to the Mutualidad General de la Abogacía, member of the EMEA Advisory Board of Service Now and European member of Metyis.
Since he was part of the team of the Minister for Relations with the European Communities (1978-1980), he is a strong supporter of the European project and, as former President of the Spain-US Council Foundation, an expert in bilateral relations between the two countries. Regular attendee at Bilderberg, IMF and other international forums and author of books and opinion articles on economics and social sciences. Regular commentator in the media and author of the book “Por un crecimiento racional” (For a rational growth) on the crisis and other publications.
The center of his professional career has been the banking sector. He has been one of the architects of the merger processes of the most important banks and savings banks in the country.