Juan Francés
He holds a degree in Information Sciences, Journalism, from the University of San Luis, and studied in Spain and the United States. He also holds a degree in Business English from the British Chamber of Commerce in Madrid.
Juan Francés has spent his professional career in different media: he started at the Diario de Cádiz (dean of the Spanish press), worked for the evening financial newspaper El Boletín, was a regular contributor to the British broadcaster BBC, Rolling Stone magazine and other media and then concentrated his activity in the newspaper EL PAÍS, where he worked for more than twelve years as an editor and photographer. In this newspaper, he worked in different sections (local, economy, society…). Subsequently, he coordinated two pioneering projects in the Spanish press: the English edition of EL PAÍS, based in the International Herald Tribune, and the Spanish edition of The New York Times.
In 2006 he joined Estudio de Comunicación, where he has worked on financial communication (IPOs, mergers, etc.) and crisis communication (corporate restructuring, redundancy plans, etc.).