Ignacio Mataix
Born in Madrid in 1962. He holds a degree in Law and Economics from ICADE and a Master in CEO International Programme from IESE Business School.
He has extensive professional experience, having held senior positions in large multinational investment banking firms, leading engineering groups and high-tech manufacturing companies. He began his career at ABN Amro Bank, where he was Managing Director in London. In 2000 he was appointed General Manager of Corporate Development at SENER. In 2004 he joined ITP (Industria de Turbo Propulsores) as Group CEO. He has also been a director of EUROJET Gmbh, independent director of Talgo, S.A., chairman of Europrop S.A. and chairman of Precicast Bilbao S.A. He is currently chairman of the Board of Directors of Tess Defence, S.A.
In January 2018 he was appointed Executive Director of Indra and CEO of the T&D business. In May 2021 he was appointed CEO of Indra.