Francisco Román

adolfo calviño

President of LYNTIA

Francisco Román is Senior Lecturer in the Strategic Management Department at IESE Business School. He holds a degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, and a PDD from IESE Business School.

Francisco Román began his professional career at Sainco and in 1983 he joined the subsidiary of the multinational computer company Hewlett Packard where he was appointed Director of the Telecommunications, Electronics and Defence Area. At the beginning of 1992 he became Director for Spain of AirTouch International, one of the founding companies of Airtel Móvil S.A., where he was Director of Technology, after obtaining the first telecommunications liberalisation licence in Spain. CEO of Microsoft Ibérica since 1998, he rejoined Vodafone in July 2002 as Chief Operating Officer and was appointed CEO in February 2003 and Chairman and CEO in January 2008. Until 1 January 2019, he was Chairman of Vodafone Spain and of the Vodafone Spain Foundation. He has also been a member of the international Vodafone Group Foundation Board of Trustees.

Currently, since January 2023, he chairs the fibre neutral operator Lyntia Networks, and from May 2015 to March 2023 he chaired the company March RS belonging to Banca March.

He is also Chairman of the Teaming Foundation, which uses technology to raise funds for social purposes.

Francisco Román is a member of the Advisory Board of the Universidad Europea de Madrid, of the Professional Council of ESADE, and of the Advisory Board of the ETSIT of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Círculo de Empresarios, of the Governing Council of APD (Asociación para el Progreso de la Dirección), and of various associations in the telecommunications and information society sector. From 2014 to 2017 he was an independent director of NH Group, chairing the Corporate Governance and Remuneration Committee, and as a member of the Audit Committee.

In the field of CSR, from 2015 to June 2021 he chaired the SERES Foundation, which brings together more than 150 companies and promotes the commitment of companies to improving society, and in which he continues as a member of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Good Governance Committee.

A trustee of the CASER Foundation, throughout his professional career he has been a member of the Board of Trustees of the Red Cross, COTEC, the Tecsos Foundation, the Royal Theatre, the Sustainability Excellence Club, and various foundations and associations related to disability.

In the field of innovation and startup development, he participates in the VC funds Vitamina k and K Fund.